First technical milestone: The Design Basis in LIFES50+


These reports provide concept developers with the information required to upscale floating platform concepts to support a 10MW wind turbine in three reference locations, taking also into consideration the requirements for the concepts evaluation. Three different tasks were carried out to define the target locations representative of different met-ocean conditions -and potential markets-, identify the load cases for the design (DLCs) and adapt the wind turbine model to FAST software. With the information from the sites and the wind turbine, concept developers started the upscaling of their concepts in December 2015, bearing in mind aspects related to the manufacturing, logistics and other aspects identified in WP2 for the LCOE calculation and concepts evaluation.
The work carried out is summarized in figure -tasks and deliverables- for MS1 and how the information will be used to complete the concepts design in MS2.

Site A
(moderate met-ocean conditions), offshore of Golfe de Fos, France








Site B  
(medium met-ocean conditions), the Gulf of Maine, USA








Site C
(severe met-ocean conditions), West of the Isle of Barra, Scotland


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Petter Andreas Berthelsen

Project Coordinator

Mobile: +47 952 22 139